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    current location:front page> Product
    xinjing New Materials

    Diethylene glycol divinyl ether

    product name Diethylene glycol divinyl ether
    CAS No. 764-99-8

    1) EINECS No.: 212-133-3
    2) Molecular formula: C6H12O3
    3) Appearance: colorless clear liquid
    4) Packaging: 190kg/galvanized steel drum or tank car
    5) UN code: N/A PG: N/A Hazard class: N/A
    6) HS code: 2909499000

    Structural formula Diethylene glycol divinyl ether

    DVE-2 is a reactive diluent for UV- and peroxide-cured adhesives and sealants. It is also a building block for sulfur-based sealant compounds. It is used as a crosslinker in the production of polyacrylate ion exchange resins.

    Ms.Xiao  +86-15307111131


    China · Hubei

    Room 1201, Building A, Huitong New Yangtze River Center, No. 6 Xudong Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
